Magnesium Is the Mineral That Helps You Heal Skip to content
Magnesium Is the Mineral That Helps You Heal

Magnesium Is the Mineral That Helps You Heal

Magnesium is one element in which you don't want to be deficient. Those who suffer from magnesium deficiency are twice as likely as others to die! That chilling fact should be more than enough to make you take your magnesium tablets each day. If not, there are numerous other benefits derived from this stellar nutrient. For U.S. citizens who are suffering from a variety of maladies, magnesium helps. In fact, sufficient amounts of this nutrient help combat one of the biggest killers of all: stress.

Magnesium mitigates the adverse effects of stress. Stress is a leading disease in the developed world, and magnesium is one nutrient that defeats stress quickly. The fact that more people are not already taking magnesium supplements indicates that the word has not fully spread very far about its advantages.

Magnesium is a low-cost solution for dealing with stress, but that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potent properties of this versatile treatment. It should surprise no one, considering that the healing use of magnesium has been around in varying formats for centuries.

Magnesium, in common forms such as "Milk of Magnesia" or as magnesium citrate, has been used for cures for as long back as most people can remember. Average folks in the old days ingested magnesium in various ways to improve their health. Despite the common association between magnesium and healing, deficiencies soared.

It looks like it's time for a back-to-the-basics movement when it come to this nutrient. Once you understand the benefits of supplementation with this miracle mineral, you’ll find yourself eager to begin your regimen.

Identifying Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiencies aren't always identified correctly because the symptoms look like other maladies. Those who don't have enough of this "relaxation nutrient" suffer from stiffness, cramps, and tightness. If your body feels like it's not relaxed and has these symptoms, it's possible that supplementing with high-quality magnesium will put you on the road to feeling well. This essential nutrient has been ignored to some degree because it's a natural supplement and not a drug invented by a team of scientists.

Sometimes medical professionals take the harder route because they're more secure about the science. However, this strategy is short-sighted when it comes to magnesium supplementation. Magnesium is not a miracle drug. What it is, though, is a gift from nature that exists to help people feel healthier and better.

The symptoms that may indicate a severe magnesium deficiency are extensive. Everything from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) to headaches could be related to the problem. For most people, there's little question they don't get enough of this nutrient. That's because the Standard American Diet does not support a healthy level of magnesium in food. In fact, the typical diet robs people of the little magnesium they do get.

Alcohol, sugar, salts, sodas, and coffee all siphon magnesium from your body. Unfortunately, all of these items are staples for the average person in the developed world! That's why dealing with a deficiency in a straightforward way is the best solution. Supplementation is the preferred treatment for people with poor diets. If you're confident you don't eat enough foods rich in magnesium (which is the case for most people in the West), taking a supplement is the answer.

You may also begin to increase your intake of foods rich in magnesium, but magnesium supplementation will give you the boost you need. There’s no good reason to delay. Get started right now on improving your health.

How to Elevate Your Magnesium

Putting yourself back on the road to normal magnesium levels is not a complicated process. Eat the right foods when possible, keep a running total of your magnesium intake for the day, and supplement to push past the recommended levels.

Supplements are available at finer online resources, such as They have over 200 different types of magnesium supplements. That should give just about anyone a perfect supply when needed. Consider that the majority of doctors do a poor job of identifying and curing this particular deficiency. Rather than rely on them to handle things for you, take the bull by the horns and supplement on your own! The prices are reasonable enough that there's no good excuse for missing out on a vital part of your nutritional requirements.

Most people consume less than 200 mg of magnesium daily. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) suggests people shoot for at least 300 mg each day. Experts have conducted studies that showed benefits at doses from 400 to 1000 mg. If you're looking to eradicate a deficiency, or to ensure you don't suffer from one, upping your daily dosage to 400 or above is an excellent strategy. If you know you'll have a hard time eating the right foods in that quantity, just consume enough through supplementation. This simple course of treatment will boost your magnesium levels over a few weeks.

Beware the Mild Side Effects

Magnesium citrate is the most easily digestible supplement, which makes it a common choice. The cost is also very reasonable. Many varieties of this kind of supplement recommend that you take the nutrient multiple times daily. Expect a slow release of magnesium until your body starts to catch up to needed levels. You should also feel a lessening of some of the symptoms of deficiency you've been experiencing up until that point.

Supplementation requires a strategy as well as dedication. The results are well worth it, though. Depleted levels of magnesium in your body have been wreaking havoc for years. Restoring those levels improves your health dramatically in a short duration of time.

Magnesium oxide, carbonate, gluconate, and sulfate are absorbed less readily than citrate. For this reason, citrate tends to be a solid choice overall. With supplements, absorption is vital. Some of the lower quality types of supplements just don't work as well because of this issue. has a complete range of supplements. It's up to you to decide in which form you want to ingest magnesium. For most people, though, citrate does seem to do the job. Using a supplement that you take three times daily is a good idea. That spreads the absorption throughout the day, closer to when you eat. As you continue to eat foods that are richer in this nutrient, and you take the supplements, your levels will rise to a point where your deficiency is long gone.

Beware the Mild Side Effects

There's only one side effect from having too much magnesium, and that's diarrhea. Fortunately, there's an easy enough fix for that. If you suffer from this unpleasant condition, switch over to magnesium glycinate supplements, and you'll be all set. If you find you've overshot the amount you need, cut back until things return to normal.

Compared to how poorly your body is functioning without the right amount of this nutrient, the small chance of side effects seems worth the risk. Monitor how you feel when you begin supplementation. You'll notice an improvement in your mood and how you feel as your levels rise. Your stress levels will also naturally decrease, which is healthy.

Even though you're now supplementing, there's no good reason to ignore diet. A clean diet helps absorption of minerals and nutrients. If you're getting a proper intake of nutrition and supplementation when needed, there's little reason to fear deficiencies. For the most part, this condition only happens when you eat too much food that has a negative impact on you. You'll need to decide on your eating plan, because no one can force you to eat foods you don’t like.

Eat Foods High in Magnesium

For reference, these foods are high in magnesium: Brazil nuts, kelp, soybeans and tofu, shrimp, avocado, barley, beans, garlic, greens, pecans, walnuts, rye, sunflower seeds, and a few others. All of these foods are very healthy for you. Nuts do have quite a bit of fat in them, but moderately eating them is never an issue. Very dark green vegetables, in particular, are always healthy. That color lets the world know they contain a ton of goodness.

If you're looking to heal yourself naturally, start by increasing your uptake of leafy greens and dark green vegetables in general. Add in supplements, and you'll find that you're feeling better in no time. Veggies play second fiddle to familiar foods, but, when it comes down to nutritional value, they're nearly impossible to beat.

Take a Bath in Epsom Salts

One way to replenish your body's depleted magnesium stores is to bathe in Epsom salts, which is commonly called magnesium sulfate. Let it soak in well, and let the healing power of the bath work its magic. Soon your levels will soar like an eagle as the famous salts do their job. This particular treatment has been used by many sore people over the years.

Some people use Epsom salts as a laxative with good results. It may be worth a try soaking in some of this low-cost product to see if you feel better afterward. Just make sure to read the warnings and other information printed on the package.

You may also be familiar with magnesium hydroxide, which people call Milk of Magnesia. Individuals who need to take care of business love this fast-working solution. Magnesium is an effective treatment for several conditions, and it may be useful for you. If you’re having trouble relaxing and sleeping, this mineral is a perfect starting point for an alternative treatment.

At this point, it's also useful if you start taking a balanced multivitamin. Your goal should be to eliminate all nutrient deficiencies. As you do, your overall healing capacity moves up, too. When you feel better, you're also more likely to be active, so the overall impact ends up being profound.

It's always a smart idea to get some physical activity going. Moving your body also reduces stress. Your new regimen of supplementation, eating well, and moving more will help you get over any current ailments you're experiencing. The medical community does a fantastic job of curing things, but prevention is a job that's best done by each individual. You're the only one who can eat the right foods and take the proper supplements. If you're willing to do the right things, there's little doubt that you’ll relegate your deficiency to the past.

Magnesium Is for Healing

The secret is out concerning the healing properties of magnesium. This nutrient should be a vital part of everyone's arsenal against disease and aging. If you love sleeping well at night, magnesium is worth investigating. Depleted levels of the nutrient cause unrest and soreness, whereas an adequate supply restores balance and vibrant health.

Your stress levels drop, which also helps you sleep much better at night for longer, uninterrupted sessions. Serotonin levels also depend on magne sium. Proper levels of serotonin ensure a relaxed central nervous system. If these benefits make it sound like there's a big bonus in the relaxation arena because of magnesium, that's because this incredible nutrient is a standout.

Magnesium also helps keep bones flexible. That's why some experts say that anything that's sore or tight can benefit from magnesium supplements. One way of looking at this subject is that if it can help, you may as well do it. Supplements are much cheaper than medical treatment. There is a wide range of magnesium supplements available on the market today for consumers to choose from. Selecting the best supplements for your health care needs assures that you get the recommended allowance of this mineral.

Fix Hydration Issues

Calcium Magnesium helps your body process water and hydrate. Make sure your levels are topped off, and drink a lot of water to improve your health. Another sad side effect of the Standard American Diet is that people are dehydrated almost all the time. Oddly enough, dehydration seems like other illnesses to most sufferers.

Those who start on a plan of hydrating properly, eating better foods, and supplementing go a long way toward healing some of the issues that have been causing alarm. Supplements are not a cure-all, but they certainly are very helpful for removing deficiencies. Since they're measured cleanly, you will have no problem coming up with the right dosages. If you take in anywhere from 400 to 1,000 mg per day of magnesium, you will say goodbye to your deficiency forever.

As you hydrate more effortlessly, you'll notice your appetite diminishes. Talk about helpful, when you're trying to remove certain foods from your diet. When you don't crave certain foods, you will eat less of them.

Being more hydrated, sleeping better, and a host of other benefits are all reasons that inspire people to choose magnesium supplements. It doesn't matter what reason you have for tryingthem. Once you put yourself on the road to recovery using the method outlined so far, you will never want to suffer a nutrient deficiency again. Supplementation offers enough advantages that anyone who is serious about their health needs to investigate the possibilities.

Health care costs are so expensive that alternatives should always be on the top of your list. It just makes sense to do everything within your power to maintain a high level of health proactively. Magnesium and other supplements are important keys to staying healthy, active, and feeling energetic. In turn, the more healthy, active, and energetic you feel, the more likely you are to have a better day all the way around.

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