Zhong Gan Ling 120 tablets - Kan Herbs Traditionals Skip to content

Zhong Gan Ling 120 tablets by Kan Herbs Traditionals


Zhong Gan Ling 120 tablets

Dietary Supplement

Zhong Gan Ling


Pubescent holly root, Kudzu root, European vervain herb, Isatis root, Sweet wormwood herb, Gypsum, Notopterygium root and rhizome.

Mao dong qing, Ge gen, Ma bian cao, Ban lan gen, Qing hao, Sheng shi gao, Qiang huo.

1-2 tablets, 2-3 times daily

Use only as directed by your health care professional and seek their advice if pregnant or nursing
Keep out of reach of children
Keep tightly capped, and out of direct sunlight
Store at room temperature

Only the finest hand-selected Chinese herbs are used. Rigorous manufacturing standards are applied at each stage of production.