Sycosis Miasm Formula 2 oz - Professional Complementary Health Formulas - Skip to content

Sycosis Miasm Drops 2 oz by Professional Complementary Health Formulas


Sycosis Miasm Drops 2 oz

Provides homeopathic aid in stabilizing significant miasmatic terrain disturbance related to classical inherited miasm patterns.

Serving Size: 10 Drops

Active Ingredients:
Arsenicum album 30X
Asafoetida 30X
Aurum metallicum 30X
Carbo animalis 30X
Kali iodatum 30X
Syphilinum 30X
Mercurius corrosivus 30X
Mercurius corrosivus 200X
Penicillinum 200X

Base Ingredients: 20% ethanol, purified water.
  • Gluten Free
  • Hypoallergenic
Recommended Dosage: Place drops under tongue 30 minutes before/after meals. Adults and children 12 years and over: Take 10 drops up to 3 times per day. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.