Novequin PET 90 grams
Your pet's digestive system plays a vital role in keeping your pet healthy because it provides all the nutrients that are required to support your pet's body. The digestive system relies on the synergistic relationship that exists between probiotic bacteria and your pet's digestive system. These bacteria help to digest the food your pet eats and they help to remove any bacteria that may be harmful to your pet. It is therefore vital to ensure the balance of bacteria remains healthy in your pet's digestive tract. Supplementing your pet's diet with probiotics can help to support the beneficial bacteria that live in your pet's digestive tract to support its overall health.
The Novequin PET supplement by Arthur Andrew Medical offers you a top quality probiotic designed to keep your pet's digestive tract healthy and functioning at optimal levels.
>Suggested Use Amount Daily Use:Therapeutic 3 Scoops 3 times per day
Maintenance 1 Scoop 1-2 times per day