Goldenrod Dropper 0.25 oz - Flower Essence Services Skip to content

Goldenrod Dropper 0.25 oz by Flower Essence Services

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Goldenrod Dropper 0.25 oz

Positive qualities: Strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness

Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by group or cultural ties; inability to be true to oneself, easily susceptible to peer pressure or external social demands

Directions: To use flower essences, choose an issue you are dealing with in your life – relationships, lifestyle, self image, stress level, career matters, or simply general well-being. Then select a few flower essences which most precisely describe your current situation, using the list of qualities linked below. It is best to work with no more than three to five essences at a time, so that you can focus clearly on the main issues.

Ingredients: Brandy*, Water, Infused Flower Essence (as specified by title and gathered wild), 40% Alcohol. (*Meets 1990 Calif. organic act. *Demeter-Certified Biodynamic) 100% Pure Flower Essence Solution from original Bach Formula.