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CAMFormulas offers more than 100 nutritional supplements from Ecological Formulas, also known as Ecological Formulas / Cardiovascular Research. This revered manufacturer has been making and distributing specialty nutritional supplements for more than 20 years, with a variety of leading products that may be a beneficial addition to your daily routine.
Are Ecological Formulas and Cardiovascular Research part of the same company?
The company began as Cardiovascular Research, Ltd. in 1981, launching four products designed to aid in different mechanisms of cardiovascular support, including Carnitine, Nialipin, Omnicholine and Mucopolysaccharide Concentrate. In 1982, a subsidiary was born: Ecological Formulas, which focused on aiding individuals with food and chemical sensitivities. This was the first company to introduce supplements including Vitamin C from Tapioca, Non-Yeast GTF, Tri-Salts, Caprylic Acid, Butyric Acid, Sorbic Acid and Selenium Cruciferate.
Do Ecological Formulas and Cardiovascular Research only produce cardiovascular support products?
While the company began with a focus on cardiovascular support, both Ecological Formulas and Cardiovascular Research, Ltd. now offer a variety of products designed to serve individuals with food and chemical sensitivities and other health concerns. From letter vitamins to amino acids, our selection of Ecological Formulas supplements includes everything you need to support a healthy life.
What are the most popular Ecological Formulas and Cardiovascular Research supplements?
The collection of supplements from Ecological Formulas and Cardiovascular Research contains an array of powerful options, including Monolaurin, and letter vitamins like vitamin C supplements. The vitamin and supplement manufacturer has been a leader in the nutraceuticals industry with amino acids including L-Glutamine and L-Carnitine, along with a range of other helpful health products.