L-Tyrosine Powder 150 grams - Ecological Formulas Skip to content

L-Tyrosine Powder 150 grams by Ecological Formulas


L-Tyrosine Powder 150 grams by Ecological Formulas

Your body uses phenylalanine for various reasons including the production of tyrosine. Since the body can produce tyrosine, tyrosine is classified as non-essential but it is vital for supporting cognitive function, for ensuring the body has the building blocks to produce certain neurotransmitters, and for ensuring the production of melatonin.

Compounds like adrenaline and norepinephrine play vital roles in the stress response and in supporting physical functions of the body. Your body needs tyrosine to be able to produce these compounds. Your body also uses tyrosine to produce melatonin, which regulates hormonal balance. It is therefore important to ensure you have sufficient tyrosine.

The L-Tyrosine Powder by Ecological Formulas provides you with a top quality source of tyrosine to help supplement natural levels of tyrosine.

Serving Size 2 Teaspoon
Servings Per Container 75

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

L-Tyrosine 2000 Mg N/A*

* Daily value not established

Do not refrigerate. Do not take with dairy products.

Does Not Contain:free of corn, soy, yeast, wheat, sugar, starch, meat products, coloring agents or artificial flavoring.

Dietary Specifications: Wheat Free
Soy Free
Yeast Free
Sugar Free
Starch Free
Corn Free
Free of Artificial Colors/Flavors
Delivery Type: Powder