Restore Restraint 60 tablets by Kan Herbs Essentials Skip to content

Restore Restraint 60 tablets by Kan Herbs Essentials


Restore Restraint 60 tablets

Tonifies Kidney, tonifies Heart Qi and Blood to anchor the Spirit. 

Suggested Use: Varies, depending on the animal's sensitivity to the herbs, condition classification as acute or chronic, and animal compliance with formula administration. Consult a veterinary professional or the Kan Essentials website for final dosage selection.

Dong quai root (Dang gui shen), Palm leaf raspherry fruit (Fu pen zi), Dragon bone (Long gu), Mantis egg-case (Sang piao xiao), Chinese red ginseng root and rhizome (Hong ren shen), Poria with wood root (Fu shen mu), Altaica rhizome (Jiu jie chang pu), Polygala root (Yuan zhi)