Mycoshield Spray Cinnamon 1 Ounces - Host Defense Skip to content

Mycoshield Spray Cinnamon 1 Ounces by Host Defense


Mycoshield Spray Cinnamon 1 Ounces

Host Defense® MycoShield® spray combines five powerful polypore mushroom species: Agarikon, Red Reishi, Chaga, Birch Polypore and Turkey Tail. These five mushrooms provide a unique “shield” of immune support*, available in a perfect traveler’s size.

Flavored with certified organic cinnamon oil, MycoShield offers a refreshing taste and is a must-have item for travelers on the go!

-Certified Organic
-Full Spectrum of Active Constituents
-Grown & Processed in the USA
-Purity Assured
-Sustainably Cultivated

Servings Per Container: 142

As directed by your healthcare professional

Serving Size: 0.42ml (3 sprays)

Amount Per Serving
Proprietary Blend ... 0.42ml
Fresh Agarikon mycelium extract
(Fomitopsis officinalis)
Fresh Reishi mycelium extract
(Ganoderma lucidum)
Fresh Chaga mycelium extract
(Inonotus obliquus)
Fresh Birch Polypore mycelium extract
(Piptoporus betulinus)
Fresh Turkey Tails mycelium extract
(Trametes versicolor)

Other Ingredients: Water, alcohol (alcohol content: 25-35%), myceliated brown rice, cassia essential oil

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.