Argentum Metallicum 30X 23 grams (450 globules) - True Botanica Skip to content

Argentum Metallicum 30X 23 grams (450 globules) by True Botanica


Argentum Metallicum 30X 23 grams (450 globules)

Silver has been used for centuries to ward off disease and to help heal wounds. Silver is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Modern medicine has incorporated silver and nano-particles of silver in wound dressings to support and promote wound healing and to help ward off infection in wounds. Silver is also used in other medical applications like urinary catheters and breathing tubes to ensure a healthy environment and to ward off infections.

Colloidal silver is produced by suspending silver particles in solution to make these particles available to the body to support healing. Silver kills bacteria and helps to heal wounds and infections and is well known for its antimicrobial properties.

The Argentum Metallicum 30X 23 gm (450 globules) by True Botanica offers you top quality colloidal silver in a top-class homeopathic preparation that is rhythmically produced to ensure the energy of the preparation is of the highest quality possible.

Suggested Use:
For best results place globules under the tongue for 30 seconds. Adults-3-5 globules 3 times a day. Children 2-12 years-1-3 globules 3 times a day. Under 2 years, consult your doctor. Use until symptoms are relieved or as directed by your health care provider.

Active Ingredient: Argentum Metallicum 30x, HPUS

Other Ingredients: Sucrose

Consult your health care provider if symptoms persist for more than 5 days or worsen. If pregnant or breastfeeding ask a health professional before use. Keep out of the reach of children. TAMPER EVIDENT: Do not use if safety seal is broke
