ProThrivers Wellness Sleep 60 vcaps - Integrative Therapeutics - Skip to content

ProThrivers Wellness Sleep 60 vcaps by Integrative Therapeutics


Supporting Healthy Sleep

One way to support energy and wellness is by supporting healthy sleep. Sleep is critical for everyone, but it is an area where thrivers may need special support.

ProThrivers Wellness Sleep includes:

  • Melatonin: 20 mg of melatonin per two capsules.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium may play a role in preventing medication-induced nutrient depletion in thrivers.1-9
  • L-Theanine: Suntheanine brand L-theanine, an amino acid that has been shown to support alpha-wave production within the brain, a sign of relaxation.*10
  • Magnolia: Magnolol is a major active constituent of Magnolia officialis. In preclinical studies, its mechanism is related to effects on the GABA(A) receptor and other extracellular signaling actions.

Prothrivers Wellness Sleep Directions and/or Dosage

Take 1 to 2 capsules at bedtime, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Prothrivers Wellness Sleep Directions and/or Dosage

Take 1 to 2 capsules at bedtime, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Caution: Do not use this product unless advised by a healthcare professional if you are pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or nursing; or if you are taking any medications or have any chronic disease, including hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, or an endocrine, auto-immune, depressive, bleeding or seizure disorder. Do not take melatonin while operating a motor vehicle or machinery.