Shou Wo Youthful Hair 200 Tablets - Dr. Shen's Skip to content

Shou Wo Youthful Hair 200 Tablets by Dr. Shen's


Shou Wo Youthful Hair 200 Tablets

We believe that Dr. Shen's Shou Wu Pills are more effective than similar products imported from China, because Dr. Shen uses premium quality export grade herbs, rather than the B Grade herbs that are normally used to make pills in China. Dr. Shen also imports their herbs whole, rather than as powder, so the herbs can be identified as being the correct species and grade. The Dr. Shen brand laboratory tests each batch of raw materials in the USA before tableting. Herbs are tested for heavy metals, mold, and harmful bacteria. Tablets are further tested for dissolvability. Dr. Shen's Shou Wu Pills are then coated with a thin vegetable glaze for easy swallowing.

Premature Hair Loss
Premature Grey Hair
Dry or Brittle Hair
Damaged Hair

Directions: Take as a daily supplement, 1 to four tablets, two to three times a day, or as prescribed.

COURSE OF USE: 3 or more weeks.

HE SHOU WU, Fleece Flower Root - Polygoni Multiflori
Strengthens the Liver and Kidneys, Benefits the Hair, Nourishes the Blood, Benefits and Retains the Essence, Detoxifies Fire Poison, Moistens the Intestines, Expels Wind from the Skin.

2. CHUAN XIONG, Szechuan Lovage - Ligusticum Wallichi
Invigorates the Blood, Promotes the Circulation of Qi, Expels Wind, Moves the Qi Upward

3. FU LING, Hoelen Mushroom - Poria Cocos Sclerotum
Quiets the Heart, Calms the Spirit, Harmonizes the Middle, Strengthens Stomach/Spleen