RET Lung 1 oz by Professional Complementary Health Formulas
For emotions associated with the lung reflex: grief, sadness, yearning, cloudy thinking, anguish, resistant to be accepting of love, brain fog, heaviness and weighted feeling of traps and chest.
5 drops 4 times per day. Do not exceed past one month.
Calcarea Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Kali Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Sweet Chestnut 3x, Star of Bethlehem 3x, Chicory 3x, Ignatia 30x 100x 200x, Aurum 30x 100x 200x, Naturm Muriaticum 30x 100x 200x, Causticum 30x 100x 200x, Staphysagria 30x 100x 200x, Lachesis 30x 100x 200x 5 drops 4 times per day. Do not exceed past one month.
5 drops 4 times per day. Do not exceed past one month.
Calcarea Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Kali Phosphorica 3x 6x 30x, Sweet Chestnut 3x, Star of Bethlehem 3x, Chicory 3x, Ignatia 30x 100x 200x, Aurum 30x 100x 200x, Naturm Muriaticum 30x 100x 200x, Causticum 30x 100x 200x, Staphysagria 30x 100x 200x, Lachesis 30x 100x 200x 5 drops 4 times per day. Do not exceed past one month.